Struggling with your partner’s habits but can’t find the right words? Discover how a simple bell and whistle transformed our communication, making it fun and effective. Learn how to turn your relationship’s rough patches into opportunities for growth and laughter!
Struggling with your partner’s annoying habits but unsure how to address them constructively? We all have patterns that can unintentionally harm our relationships if left unchecked. Learn how a simple grading system turned our frustrations into constructive conversations and improved our relationship.
In non-monogamous relationships, clear communication is crucial. Julia and Zain’s story shows how assumptions can lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings. By openly discussing their boundaries and expectations, they were able to strengthen their connection. Don’t assume, ask! And build a relationship that respects everyone’s needs.
Contrary to popular belief, nonmonogamy isn’t exclusive to those in committed relationships. Singles can also practice nonmonogamy, engaging in multiple connections simultaneously. Today, we’ll dive into the unpartnered side of the relationship landscape and look into the different options available for unattached individuals.
Nonmonogamy is everywhere these days, with more people than ever interested in something other than strict monogamy. Yet there are many different ways to do nonmonogamy. Before you dive headfirst into this big life decision, here are 7 key questions to ask yourself to figure out if nonmonogamy is really a good idea for you.
The media has REALLY been paying attention to consensual nonmonogamy over these last few months. BUT it all centers around polyamory. Conflating polyamory with all types of nonmonogamy can be misleading at best, harmful at worst. Let’s look at why this is the case, and how to avoid its pitfalls.