Want Early Access to this Breakthrough
Paradigm for More Pleasurable Sex and Radically More Fulfilling Connections?
Discover Your Intrinsic Relationship Orientation
LoveSmarter™ University is a groundbreaking new framework and program that provides a practical toolkit for aligning your life with the relationship style that fits you best. Strict monogamy, hot monogamy, open monogamy, poly, singledom, or one of the many flavors in between.
Break free of "either/or" thinking and unlock the passion, connection, and pleasure you've been seeking. Become the extraordinary lover and partner everyone always wishes they could find.
Join the Waitlist:

"Dr. Zhana’s course was truly eye-opening and educational. It gave me a science-based framework to more authentically understand who I am, and helped me clarify what I want out of my relationships with others.
All this with a whopping dose of modern sex ed for grown ups in a very supportive and safe community environment!"
Marhsall - Open Smarter Student
Want Early Access to this Breakthrough Paradigm for More Pleasurable Sex and Radically More Fulfilling Connections?
Discover Your Intrinsic Relationship Orientation

LoveSmarter™ University is a groundbreaking new framework and program that provides a practical toolkit for aligning your life with the relationship style that fits you best.
Strict monogamy, hot monogamy, open monogamy, polyamory, singledom, or one of the many flavors in between.
Break free of "either/or" thinking and unlock the passion, connection, and pleasure you've been seeking. Become the extraordinary lover and partner everyone always wishes they could find.
Join the Waitlist:
"Dr. Zhana’s course was truly eye-opening and educational. It gave me a science-based framework to more authentically understand who I am, and helped me clarify what I want out of my relationships with others. All this with a whopping dose of modern sex ed for grown ups in a very supportive and safe community environment!"
Marhsall - Open Smarter Student
The Landscape of Love Has Changed
You have more relationship options than ever before (hot monogamy, open relationships, swinging, monogamish, casual sex, dating around, don’t-ask-don’t-tell, hierarchical polyamory, nonhierarchical polyamory, solo poly, single-by-choice, celibate-by-choice, relationship anarchy, the list goes on).
And there’s growing social acceptance of all them.
Yet, many of us continue to stumble.
Lost in the maze of options without clear guidance on choosing the right relationship style for your unique personality...or the necessary skills to experience it happily, we often hurt ourselves and people we care about in the process.
Luckily, you don’t have to wander alone through the maze. It doesn’t even have to be a maze!
For decades, sex and relationship scientists have been studying the different components of healthy and thriving relationships.
But all the pieces have remained disconnected: each researcher or practitioner focused on a tiny piece of the puzzle...all of them siloed in their own corners of the sexual and relationship universe: Some attachment patterns here, some sexual techniques there, some communication strategies over there...
It’s not that the knowledge hasn’t existed. It’s that too many smart people have been researching the trees, leaves, roots, and soil while missing how it all comes together to build the forest.
No one has had the necessary academic background AND personal life experience AND deep personal motivation to weave together the components and synthesize all them into a single, coherent process anyone can use to align their desires, values, and life circumstances to design the sex and love life that's right for them.
Until now, of course.
LoveSmarter™ University

A pioneering online program that finally consolidates decades of research across different relationship models, orientations, and pragmatic tools into one comprehensive roadmap tailored for your unique needs, desires, passions, fears, and life circumstances.
This one-of-a-kind program provides:
Sign up for the waitlist and be the first to know when enrollment opens again!
I’ve seen the struggles of people doing relationships blindly, and I have the solution.
In LoveSmarter™ University I’ve aggregated:
* two decades of academic research and teaching on human sex and relationships,
* a decade of consulting individuals, couples, and larger relational units to design their dream sex and love lives, and
* a lifetime of bold and unapologetic explorations into all corners of the sexual and romantic universe…
… into a “first of its kind” step-by-step framework to identify the ideal relationship style for you and your current life circumstances, then design and implement your chosen style in a way that maximizes pleasure and minimizes harm for everyone involved.
Whether you thrive in monogamy or prefer a spreadsheet for tracking multiple partners, you'll gain the insights to craft deeply fulfilling, ethical connections in alignment with your values.
Join the Waitlist now to be notified when enrollment reopens!
Because your sex and love life is too important to be left to chance.
Stay curious,
With love,

I’ve seen the struggles of people doing relationships blindly, and I have the solution.
In LoveSmarter™ University I’ve aggregated:
* two decades of academic research and teaching on human sex and relationships,
* a decade of consulting individuals, couples, and larger relational units to design their dream sex and love lives, and
* a lifetime of bold and unapologetic explorations into all corners of the sexual and romantic universe…
… into a “first of its kind” step-by-step framework to identify the ideal relationship style for you and your current life circumstances, then design and implement your chosen style in a way that maximizes pleasure and minimizes harm for everyone involved.
Whether you thrive in monogamy or prefer a spreadsheet for tracking multiple partners, you'll gain the insights to craft deeply fulfilling, ethical connections in alignment with your values.
Join the Waitlist now to be notified when enrollment reopens!
Because your sex and love life is too important to be left to chance.
Stay curious,
With love,

As featured in:

Don't miss this breakthrough program to transform your intimate life on your own terms!