Last December, the story about OnlyFans creator Lily Phillips and her 100-men train hit the internet, sparking intense reactions online. This is the second in a three-part series exploring the conversation I had with my X and IG audiences.

Last week, we explored why some women like Lily Phillips find the idea of a 100-men gangbang hot—and how Lily Phillips’ experience isn’t as unique as you might think. (If you missed it, you can catch up here.)

Lily’s experience sparked intense reactions—not just about the gangbang itself, but also about its implications. One of the biggest questions that came up was: Would men date or marry a woman who’s had a 100-men gangbang?

Many people assume the answer is an obvious “no.” But what does the data say? Turns out… more than you might assume.

That’s what we’ll explore in today’s email.

What Men Said

I asked my sex-positive audience if they would marry a woman who’d had a 100-men gangbang (like Lily Phillips).

I ran two polls—first asking men whether a 100-men gangbang sounded appealing. Here’s what my audience had to say:

  • 37% said yes, and they’d do it.
  • 16% said it’s hot, but only as a fantasy.
  • 47% said no thanks.

It’s worth noting that while almost half the men said no, the other half either found it hot or would happily participate. For something that’s often painted as “outrageous” or “unthinkable,” the numbers suggest it’s more common than we think for men to fantasize about this too.

And then I asked men “Would you marry a woman who’s done a 100-men train/gangbang?

Here’s where things got even more interesting:

  • 50% said yes—and they’d find it hot.
  • 12% said yes, but they wouldn’t love it.
  • 37% said no.

So, half of the men I polled said they’d marry a woman who’d done this—and many thought it was a turn-on. That alone challenges a lot of the assumptions people make about what men “want” in a partner.

The Insights: Why?

1.Some men dream of marrying a superslut.

For some men, a partner with a wild sexual past isn’t just acceptable—it’s the dream. They talked about how much they admire women who fully own their desires, without shame. Several mentioned they’d love to have a partner who’s been sexually adventurous and who’s still open to exploration within their relationship.


One man said it would be his fantasy to marry someone like Lily Phillips. Another said hearing about his wife’s past experiences turns him on—and he encourages her to keep exploring. For these men, a woman’s past isn’t baggage—it’s hot.

2.Others want a partner in crime.

There was also a group of men who described themselves as equally “super slutty.” They weren’t looking for someone to “settle down” in the traditional sense. Instead, they wanted a co-adventurer—someone to continue having wild, shared experiences with.


For them, marrying a woman like this wasn’t about tolerating her past. It was about finding someone who matched their energy and could keep things exciting for years to come.

3. Some men are into cuckolding.

This was a smaller but vocal group. They identified as cuckolds and said that a woman with this kind of experience was their ideal.

For these men, the idea of their wife having sex with multiple men—either in her past or future—feeds into their erotic humiliation and submission fantasies. A woman who’s lived out gangbang fantasies? That’s a literal dream wife for them.

4. Then there were the indifferent men.

Plenty of men said they wouldn’t care about a woman’s past. They didn’t find it hot, but it also wouldn’t bother them. For them, what mattered was the present and the connection they share now.


These men emphasized that everyone has a history, and that past experiences don’t define someone’s worthiness as a partner. They were clear that a woman’s sexual past wouldn’t be a dealbreaker.

5. Some men said it depends.

A few men said they’d need something more. That the “super slut” label alone wouldn’t make someone marriage material for them—but they wouldn’t rule it out, either. If she had that extra something—whether it was emotional depth, kindness, ambition—that’s what would make her “wife” potential.

It wasn’t the gangbang that swayed them either way. It was who she is as a person.

6. Others wanted to understand the context.

This group didn’t have a moral judgment about her sexual history—but they wanted to understand why she made those choices. Was it an empowered, joyful decision? Was she doing it for herself, or because of external pressure? Was she sober, was she safe? They wanted to know the story behind it before deciding whether they’d feel comfortable in a deeper partnership.

For these men, it was about trust and shared values, not numbers.

So, “Fuck, Marry… or Kill?”

When I opened the floor for open-ended responses, the F/M/K replies flooded in. And they covered every angle—from enthusiastic “marry her and join her” energy to “no thanks.”

Some men said they’d love to fuck and marry a superslut, others said they wanted to build a family or even a swinger community with someone like that.

A few men mentioned that while they’d marry her, they’d only be okay if she was done with that part of her life.

And, of course, there were those who said no. Some of them were polite about it; some were… less so.


Here are a few more open-ended responses:


And a few more responses to whether men would “Fuck, Marry, or Kill” a former or current superslut:


Last few short responses—I told you, a lot of men wrote in!


What this tells us

There are men who wouldn’t just tolerate a sexually adventurous woman—they prefer her.

For some men, a woman’s sexual past can be a source of erotic excitement, admiration, or respect. Others don’t care about the numbers but want to understand the person. And yes, there are men who say “no way.” That’s fine too.

What matters most is alignment:

  • Finding the people who share your values and desires.
  • Being honest about what you want.
  • And building relationships with people who can celebrate your full self—past, present, and future.

Next week, we’ll wrap this series with Part 3: The most common objections to Lily Phillips’ gangbang—and my take on them.

Now, I want to hear from you:

Would you date or marry a woman who’s done a 100-men gangbang? Why or why not?

Join the conversation on Instagram or X—I’m curious to hear your take!

With curiosity,
Dr. Zhana